Monday, September 26, 2011


I do not profess to have the knowledge to clarify on your doubt, but can say only one thing.  While vedhas are only a collection of mantras for worship and performance of rituals, Shastras and Sootras define the process in which the worship is to be conducted.  This is followed by Sampradayas which is nothing but what the community follows and further down is the Kula and Kutumba achara, which is followed by the particular family.  While following religious rites one should follow the Kula achara since it is ordained by our forefathers as being most suitable for the family in question.  You would observe that some people perform the shrarda and tarpana wearing the pundarikam (vibuthi or namam) and some others not wearing the same.  This is kula sampradayam which needs to be followed assiduously.  So whatever ones parents or forefathers were following, the same practice needs to be followed in such rituals as Pitru pooja.

Now, conventionally achamanam and sankalpam should always be performed facing east or north only. In Tarpanam and Shrardam, the tip of the koorcha is placed facing South, the direction of the Pitrs. As it would be inconvenient to change directions mid way of performing the rituals, according to me (please forgive me for repeating that I am a novice in this) the ritual should be performed by the karta sitting facing the eastern direction.  Only during the Pinda pradanam made during Shrarda one faces south. The convention is that one should go down on the right knee  and offer the Pinda pradanam as well as the Vayasa Pindam (Pindam offered to the crow) facing south.

Profound regards,


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